Contact the Greensboro Planning & Zoning Commissioners

Typing An Email


Take a stand for the heart and soul of our neighborhood today! Your voice is crucial in safeguarding the charm and tranquility of our community against the intrusive rezoning proposed by CZS Development and Glenn Drew. Don’t let this be the day you look back on with regret, wishing you had done something to stop the irreversible change. Write to our Zoning Commission now, demand action, and express your firm opposition to this rezoning that threatens to upend the very essence of what makes our neighborhood a haven for families. Act now—our community’s future is not for sale, and it is your letters that can fortify the resolve to say a resounding NO to this unwanted rezoning. Every email counts, every word resonates, and together, our collective insistence can preserve the legacy of our Friendly Neighborhood.

It is very important that you follow these instructions exactly as outlined below to get the message to each and every City Of Greensboro Zoning and Planning Commissioner from your personal email account to have the most impact. With potentially more than a thousand neighbors sending these emails, we can send a clear message to the Zoning Commissions that what they are reviewing is simply not good for our community.

Your emails can be sent NOW and no later than noon on Friday, November 17th so that the Zoning Commission gets your email well before the Zoning hearing on Monday, November 20th at 5:30 PM to have the biggest impact from our Friendly Avenue community. Please plan to attend the Monday, November 20th Planning and Zoning Commission and hear the arguments from Glenn Drew and his legal counsel and also hear from three of your most trusted community leaders that have worked to preserve our neighborhood from this unwanted ReZoning.

  1. Copy the Sample Email below to a notepad or text editor on your personal computer. This is important such that you have a clean email without the formatting from the copy from a website. It is best not to try to do this from a smartphone as you might more easily make a mistake.

  2. Replace the content highlighted in BLUE with your own content and your own personal message. Each email sent can be identical except for changing the name of the elected official and the email addresses you use to send your personal email.

  3. Using the email addresses below send EIGHT separate emails from your personal email client application to each commissioner listed below this step. You might have a different email client application. Popular email clients run in your browser might be,,,, or All are very similar but might have different options that you might already be familiar with.

  4. Finally, so that the Committee to STOP THE REZONING knows you are doing this please include as a bcc (Blind Copy) each email the email address

If you need help with this process I am confident that many of the committee members will help you with this email process. Just send an email to asking for help and provide your name, and the best time to call you knowing it might be one of a dozen different volunteers.

We need your help writing the Zoning Commissioners and City Council Representatives. Please use the following template. You can choose which talking points are most important to you. Make this letter personal as it is from you and why you feel the proposed development should not be approved.

Sample Email Below

Suggested Subject lines for your email (Pick one that you feel most represents your views on the ReZoning):

Urgent: Community Stance Against CZS Development's Rezoning Proposal
Preserve Our Neighborhood: Say No to CZS Rezoning
Residents Unite Against Disruptive Rezoning by CZS Development
Take Action: Protect Friendly Avenue from CZS's Rezoning Plan
Community Alert: CZS Development's Rezoning Threatens Neighborhood Integrity
Zoning Commission Must Act Against CZS's Detrimental Rezoning Plan
CZS Rezoning: A Risk to Our Community's Future
Community Consensus: CZS Development's Rezoning Is Unacceptable

Dear [name of elected official],

My name is [first last] and I am a resident at [home address]. I’m an active neighbor in Hamilton Lakes, Hamilton Forest, and Starmount Forest neighborhoods. [Provide one more sentence about yourself. For example, how long you’ve lived in the city/county and any local community groups you’re a part of] 

I am asking that you take action to NOT approve CZS’s application for rezoning at 4000 West Friendly Ave. The criteria in the rezoning application does not fit within the existing neighborhood. I have several issues with their rezoning request proposal. 

[Below are some issues that might be important to you. Pick three or more to include in your personalized email]

Unacceptable Density: Within a half-mile stretch along Friendly Avenue, the suggested development stands alone in its deviation from the R-3 residential zoning that characterizes the area. Exceptions like Bruton Place and Chiswell Court, part of the Village at Windsor Park, maintain substantial setbacks from W Friendly Avenue, minimizing their visibility and preserving the thoroughfare's aesthetic. Notably, the Village at Windsor Park lacks any direct access to W Friendly Avenue, further reducing its impact. In stark contrast, the new neighborhood would present a conspicuous anomaly amidst a vast expanse of R-3 zoned land, disrupting the continuity of the community's residential fabric.

Setbacks: The neighbors have asked, since the onset of the proposal, for a setback of 100 feet that would be in line with the other properties facing Friendly Avenue. The developer decreased the density from original plan, by 4, and created green space in the middle of the development. While the green space is nice, it only benefits residents. A revised configuration could use a similar square footage and achieve the 100 foot setback. A NCO District is in progress to require 100 foot setbacks for future development.

Stormwater Control: Currently the developer has located stormwater control at the front of the development. Regardless of the type of control, it will be visible from Friendly Avenue and detract from the aesthetic of the boulevard. We believe the developer should be able to locate the large stormwater control device under the large open area in the middle of the proposed design or relocate to the back of the neighborhood. None of the proposed conditions restricts the location/appearance/nature of stormwater control devices. 

Setting a Risky Precedent: Typically, PUD (Planned Urban Development) zoning is confined to peripheral zones bordering high-density retail sectors, not nestled within the core of established neighborhoods. Approving this project could set a dangerous precedent, potentially unlocking the gates for increased development intensity in areas currently zoned for R-3 residential use. This shift could significantly alter the community's landscape, paving the way for a transformation that prioritizes development over the current residential harmony.

Inconsistent Development: Our neighborhood is renowned for its single-family homes set on expansive lots with generous setbacks, a feature that sets it apart within the city. We are actively engaged in establishing a Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District to preserve these defining characteristics. The proposed development represents an encroachment from within, a 'middle-outward' CREEP, rather than the typical 'edge-inward' expansion. Should this be approved, it would undermine the stability of the R-3 zoning that stretches from Holden to Guilford College, altering the essence of our community.

Tree Preservation Challenge: The current tree canopy forms a vital visual corridor, contributing significantly to the city's aesthetic appeal. We have urged the developer to incorporate a design that facilitates the conservation of the trees along the southern perimeter of the site. However, the placement of stormwater management at the forefront of the property poses a considerable barrier to this preservation effort, threatening the existing green landscape.

Zoning for Individual Gain ("Spot Zoning"): The proposed rezoning appears to favor the financial gain of a single developer, disregarding the collective interests of the neighborhood. The area currently lacks any twin homes, maintaining a distinct residential character. While the Village at Windsor Park operates under R-5 zoning, accommodating 40 homes on approximately 12 acres, its individual lots are comparable to those in the adjacent R-3 zoned areas, ensuring cohesion. The introduction of this rezoning would disrupt this uniformity, prioritizing private profit over community consonance.

Architectural Dissonance: The development under consideration introduces twin homes, a style that is out of sync with the neighborhood's historical single-family, detached housing identity. It's important to note that profitability does not necessitate a departure from tradition; single-family homes could be constructed within this development while still achieving financial success, preserving the area's established character.

I appreciate your time and consideration of the issues concerning the residents of our neighborhood. Please vote NO on the the application.


[Your name]

Thank you!

The No ReZoning Friendly Avenue Committee wants to take a moment to extend a heartfelt thank you for your efforts in reaching out to the Zoning Commissioners regarding the rezoning request for our neighborhood. Your dedication to “go the extra mile” has not gone unnoticed, and it is actions like yours that truly make a difference in our community. Your willingness to engage directly with the decision-makers, to articulate our concerns and hopes for the neighborhood, adds a significant weight to our collective voice. It’s through such proactive and thoughtful communication that we can guide the Commissioners to understand the full scope of what’s at stake for us, the residents who treasure the charm and character of our community.

Your emails will have the power to illuminate the personal aspects of this rezoning case, aspects that numbers and formal proposals might overlook. It is this personal touch, this genuine concern for our neighborhood’s future, that can resonate with the Commissioners and influence a positive outcome. Please know that your actions are a beacon of civic engagement, inspiring others to also take a stand. You are setting a sterling example of how individual initiative can pave the way for significant community impact.

Once again, thank you for your exceptional contribution. No matter the decision, your efforts have already had a profound impact by ensuring that our voices are not just heard but felt at the heart of the Commission’s deliberations.