Re-Zoning Update!

With Determination to Protect Our Neighborhood: The Friends of Friendly Committee, representing you and hundreds of homeowners, have diligently collaborated with our legal counsel, Marsh Prause with Allman Spray Attorney and Counselors at Law. Our attorney Marsh has made some progress in negotiations with Leigh “Bo” Rodenbough of Brooks Pierce Law Firm.  

Significant announcements, crucial to the future of our community, will be shared tomorrow at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Your input and feedback are vital. Join us in this critical endeavor to safeguard our cherished neighborhood.

For the past 70 years, our community has thrived on its peaceful nature, with large setbacks 100 feet from Friendly, and expansive lots. This tranquility is cherished by all who reside here. The proposed construction of 26 townhome duplexes, meant for renting, threatens to disrupt this harmony. Such a development is entirely out of character with our neighborhood, unlike anything we’ve known. We must stand together to preserve the essence and quiet beauty that makes our community truly special.

URGENT: Your Participation Is Needed Now More Than Ever to Protect Our Neighborhood! Glenn Drew and his attorney have offered minor concessions, reducing the number of homes from 26 to 22, but this is simply not enough. Both parties in this dispute have agreed to continue the debate until the September Greensboro Zoning and Planning Committee meeting.

But this is NOT the time to relax.

Urgent Call to Action: Protect Our Community from Disastrous Rezoning! Many of our neighbors are still unaware of the impending rezoning that could gravely affect us all. We must spread the word and unite in our efforts. Share this message with your neighbors and urge them to stay informed by joining our email distribution at this link. Time is of the essence; act now to preserve the integrity of our neighborhood!

We must show up in large numbers, standing united and strong, to prevent Glenn Drew from rezoning this property into a multi-family complex. This could forever change the look and feel of our beautiful neighborhood, setting a dangerous precedent for future developers. Glenn Drew’s development MUST be stopped! Be there, raise your voice, and fight for the neighborhood we love. The future of our community depends on it.

Your Voice Is Essential: Join Us Tomorrow, Sunday, August 6th, at Westminster Presbyterian Church at 3 PM! The Friends of Friendly Committee urgently needs to hear from YOU. Bring your questions, comments, and feedback. Your unique perspective and input are crucial to our discussions. This is not just about a committee; this is about OUR neighborhood, and YOUR voice matters. Be there, be heard, and help us shape the future we all want to see!

Join us at Westminster Presbyterian Church and bring a neighbor!