The Battle To Preserve Friendly Avenue Continues

Friendly Avenue

The Committee and Neighbors are deeply infuriated by Glenn Drew’s blatant disregard for our concerns!

Glenn Drew doing business by the name CZS Evelopment Company LLC and also by another business name Nadlan Properties, LLC seems to have overlooked the concerns of the local residents and is intent on moving forward with a 22-unit townhome dwelling development. This proposed complex threatens to transform the quaint and family-friendly ambiance that our community holds dear.

Your volunteer committee represented by our legal counsel Marsh Prause with Allman Spry, had adamantly REJECTED Glenn Drew’s plans to do “spot zoning” as a Planned Urban Development (“PUD”) and attempt to build 22 townhome dwellings on Friendly Avenue forever changing the landscape of our community.

It’s infuriating and utterly disrespectful how Glenn Drew and his legal team have blatantly ignored our four heartfelt requests aimed at preserving our neighborhood’s family-centric character. Their complete dismissal of our concerns in favor of their construction plans is nothing short of an affront to our community!

How DARE Glenn Drew blatantly disregard our community? It’s evident he’s solely obsessed with lining his pockets and feeding his insatiable greed! He’s willing to let our neighborhood crumble just to see his bank account grow. It’s a disgrace! We will bear the consequences of his selfishness for years if he is successful in this rezoning request!

Overlay No Rezonibg Complex

Our requests are as follows:

  1. Density: We urge that the construction on Glenn Drew’s 4.3-acre plot be limited to a maximum of 15 townhomes, ensuring they seamlessly blend with the current aesthetics and ambiance of our neighborhood. He has not listened to us and reduced his complex from 26 units to 22 units.

  2. Set Back: We kindly ask Glenn Drew to consider preserving the 100-foot setback from Friendly Avenue, mirroring the established pattern of other homes on the street. This would help ensure consistency and maintain the distinctive character of our single-family community. In his plan, he only has a 35-foot setback from the street, and destroying the tree canopy that has made Friendly Avenue have such a unique look with privacy from the street.

  3. Water Retention Pond: It is imperative for the community that Glenn Drew refrain from situating an unattractive retention pond at the front of the property. His plan puts an unsightly retention pond directly in front of the complex within a few feet of Friendly Avenue giving the site a look of an industrial complex. Such a feature would not only give the impression of a commercial site but would also detract from the scenic appeal for those driving down Friendly Avenue.

  4. Tree Canopy: We sincerely hope that the cherished tree canopy on Friendly Avenue, graced with trees that are over a century old, is recognized for its immense value. We’ve reached out to Glenn Drew with the request to preserve this natural heritage. Not only does it offer homeowners the privacy they cherish from the street, but it also enhances the picturesque and neighborly ambiance that Friendly Avenue has been proud of for many years.

From the initial look at his plan, he is going to most likely bulldoze the entire 4.3 acres down to the ground destroying all the trees and building a private road for renters to access their units. Having a private road into a 22-unit complex can also present issues for the fire department, emergency services, and others as the “Private Road” does not have to adhere to the standards that the City has established for other city roads. It will be the homeowners in this complex responsibility to maintain this “Private Road”.

Monday, November 13th Neighborhood Meeting

In Glenn Drew’s recent Planned Urban Development (PUD) proposal, he has scheduled a community meeting on Monday, November 13th, 2023 at 7 PM to share with the neighbors his proposed plan for his development at Westminister Presbyterian Church at 3906 W Friendly Ave, Greensboro, NC 27410. If you live within 1/2 mile of the property being considered for rezoning you should receive a letter in the mail asking for you to attend. The Greensboro Zoning Commission mandates that the property owner present their plans and initiate a dialogue regarding their re-zoning request. We STRONGLY encourage you to attend and voice your concerns as the committee has outlined above.

It’s appalling! Despite our Committee’s insistence through our legal counsel for Glenn Drew, the chief beneficiary of this development, to attend the neighborhood meeting, he has audaciously declined. His legal team has the gall to claim that his presence would divert attention from the “real issues.” The nerve of such when he is who we would like to hear from!

Monday, November 20th Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

On Monday, November 20th, at 5:30 PM during the monthly Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at the Melvin Municipal Office Building, 300 W. Washington St, Greensboro, NC 27401 our Committee will be allotted just 10 minutes to voice our opposition to the proposed rezoning of the property on West Friendly Avenue. Three of our neighbors will stand to articulate our perspective, presenting a powerful case as to why the Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission should reject this rezoning proposal.

Your presence is absolutely crucial! By attending, you send an undeniable message to the Zoning Commission, showcasing our united and fierce opposition to this ill-conceived townhome complex amidst our single-family homes. Stand with us; let’s ensure our voice is impossible to ignore and halt this rezoning in its tracks!

Your Community Representatives

Introducing the No-Rezoning Committee: We are deeply passionate about representing our neighbors. Our mission is to preserve Friendly Avenue’s single-family housing zoning and to safeguard the charm that we have cherished for over 70 years. We are determined to ensure this legacy continues for many more generations to come.

  • Jenny Kaiser –
  • Andy Aronson –
  • Nicky Smith –
  • Candida Yoshikai –
  • Nikki Kohut –
  • Jeannie B Hager –
  • Buddy Milks –
  • Kris Aronson –
  • Steve Freyaldenhoven –
  • John Drinkard –

Areal overview of the proposed townhome duplex Planned Urban Development

Overlay No Rezonibg Complex

Why this matters

With unwavering conviction, your committee, alongside thousands of our neighbors, firmly believes that this rezoning is both unnecessary and detrimental to the rich history and close-knit community we’ve nurtured for over 70 years. Succumbing to this rezoning could set a dangerous precedent, potentially triggering a cascade of further unwanted developments and rezoning actions on Friendly Avenue. Now, more than ever, our unity as a community is our strongest asset. We MUST stand resolute and put an end to this!

Now, more than ever, we turn to you, our dedicated community members, to rally behind our cause. Your generous financial contributions will empower us to purchase signs that echo our collective voice, notify neighbors through email and text messaging, and distribute vital information to every corner of our community. Every penny counts in our stand against the rezoning, and together, with your support, we can ensure our message is heard loud and clear. Let’s pool our resources and protect the neighborhood we hold dear. Donate now and be a beacon of hope for our community’s future.