Victory on Hold: The Ongoing Saga of Friendly Avenue’s Zoning Battle

The Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission rejected a proposal by CZS Development, owned by Drew, to change the zoning of his 4.4-acre property on Friendly Avenue. This decision prevented the construction of two-story townhomes in an area traditionally designated for single-family residences.
The Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission rejected a proposal by CZS Development, owned by Drew, to change the zoning of his 4.4-acre property on Friendly Avenue. This decision prevented the construction of two-story townhomes in an area traditionally designated for single-family residences.

As Reported on December 2, 2023, by Connor McNeely with the Greensboro News & Record “Neighbors win zoning fight – for now

In the heart of Greensboro, a drama unfolds that has captured the attention and hearts of many. The recent decision by the Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission has put a temporary pause on the plans of CZS Development, led by Glenn Drew, to transform a cherished neighborhood on Friendly Avenue. This story, however, is far from over.

The Commission’s Stand

In a move that resonated with the community’s aspirations, the Commission denied CZS Development’s request to rezone a 4.4-acre property on Friendly Avenue. The proposal aimed to replace the traditional single-family residential fabric of the neighborhood with two-story townhomes, a plan that stirred significant unrest among residents.

A Community’s Relief… For Now

The decision was met with a mixture of relief and celebration among neighbors, who had been actively voicing their concerns over the potential transformation of their neighborhood. The vision of towering townhomes disrupting the area’s single-family character had united the community in opposition.

The Path Ahead: Vigilance Required

However, this victory may not signal the end of the road. The community is advised to stay cautiously optimistic. The possibility looms that Glenn Drew and CZS Development might return with a new zoning application, potentially sparking another round of debates and discussions.

The Role of Community Involvement

This situation underscores the critical role of community engagement in urban planning and development. The residents of Friendly Avenue have shown that collective voice and action can influence decisions that shape the very nature of their living spaces. It’s a reminder of the power of a united community and the importance of remaining vigilant and prepared for future developments.

Looking Forward

As we wait to see what unfolds next, the story of Friendly Avenue stands as a testament to the impact of community resilience. Whether Glenn Drew returns with a new proposal or moves in a different direction, the residents have set a precedent for collective action and community advocacy.

This ongoing saga on Friendly Avenue is not just a local issue; it’s a narrative shared by neighborhoods across the country facing similar challenges. It reminds us of the delicate balance between development and preservation, and the constant need for communities to actively shape their futures.

Stay tuned as this story develops, and remember, the power of a community’s voice in shaping its destiny should never be underestimated.