Glenn Drew’s New PUD Plan


It’s downright outrageous and an absolute affront to the community! Every single homeowner on Friendy Avenue must take a moment to delve into these details. The audacity to persist in constructing 22 attached “townhouse dwellings” with such an inadequate 35-foot setback from the street is beyond comprehension. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a major disruption to the character of our neighborhood. The result? An eyesore that will stand out grotesquely, resembling a misplaced apartment complex rather than harmonizing with the unique charm and aesthetics of our community. It’s essential that we unite and address this issue head-on!

Glenn Drew has audaciously ignored the voices of the residents in the Friendly Avenue area! This is a blatant slap in the face to all of us. We cannot and will not tolerate this brazen assault on our peaceful neighborhood!

Below are the proposed conditions he would like for the community to consider or you can read the entire PUD application further down this page.

Homeowners, brace yourselves for this audacity! We’ve rallied the Friends of Friendly Committee and summoned our top legal minds to combat this blatant attempt at rezoning and construction. This is the same nonsense Glenn Drew tried to pull just three months ago! We won’t stand for such underhanded tactics in our neighborhood!

The actual Application for review:


At the bottom of the pdf image, you will see an up and down arrow to view all seven pages.



Drew’s in-consistency with Greensboro Big Idea Plans

With grave concern, I must highlight that the City has established overarching objectives aligned with the “Big Ideas” framework, and Glenn Drews’ proposal seems to fall short on all counts. It’s imperative for everyone to carefully review and comprehend what our city planners expect in a rezoning application. Do his plans resonate with any of these “Big Ideas”? From my perspective, his proposal risks introducing an unwelcome atmosphere that could jeopardize the integrity and harmony of our cherished single-family home community.