Unacceptable Proposal Threatens Our Greensboro Community

In the heart of Greensboro, where community values once blossomed, a menacing shadow looms. A new proposal, driven more by profit than by people, threatens to disrupt the delicate balance of our neighborhood. This isn’t merely a boundary dispute; it’s a battle for Greensboro’s soul. Every brick, every tree, every childhood memory anchored here cries out for us to stand firm, to protect the very essence of what makes our community home.

The Survey Results Are Unmistakable: A Clear Community Stance

In light of Glenn Drew’s checkered past in financial management and development, homeowners on Friendly Avenue have reason to be deeply concerned. Drew’s plans for the area appear increasingly at odds with the community’s wishes to preserve the neighborhood’s single-family charm. His involvement in questionable financial activities only adds to the skepticism. The integrity of the man at the helm of the proposed development should not be taken lightly, as it could significantly shape the future character of Friendly Avenue.

Developer withdraws rezoning request along West Friendly Avenue, heads back to drawing board

In an in-depth analysis of the proposed Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) on Friendly Avenue, this article explores the multiple challenges these developments might pose. From altering the community’s longstanding character to introducing traffic congestion and overburdened public facilities, PUDs could disrupt the harmony and essence of our beloved neighborhood. Read on to understand the nuanced concerns and reasons for opposing such developments in our area.

Rezoning Proposal for West Friendly Avenue Shelved as Developer Rethinks Strategy

Spot zoning in Greensboro’s Friendly Avenue is stirring up concerns. Residents fear that the proposed Hutchinson Court project may set a precedent, threatening the historical and architectural integrity of their beloved neighborhood. Architect John Drinkard and others caution about the possible domino effects of such rezoning practices.