The Ripple Effect: Why Stopping the Unwanted Development is Critical for Our Community

In every community, each decision sets off a ripple effect, shaping its future. The looming threat of unwanted development in our beloved neighborhood is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about preserving the essence of who we are. The decisions we make today will echo for generations. At stake are our shared memories, our children’s safe playgrounds, and the tranquil mornings we’ve come to love. Our collective stand against this development is a statement of our values, our dreams, and the world we wish to leave behind. The fabric of our community hangs in the balance, emphasizing the urgency to halt developments that don’t align with our vision. Join us as we delve deep into the lasting implications of such projects and understand why our united front is more crucial now than ever.

Second Successful Meeting of Neighbors

In the heart of Westminster Presbyterian Church, the pulse of our neighborhood beat strong as over 200 residents convened in unified opposition to the proposed rezoning. The meeting hall brimmed with determination and a shared purpose. Updates from the committee and our legal counsel were met with nods of understanding and vocal agreement. Residents, one after another, stepped forward, their voices carrying the weight of the community’s concerns.

Resoundingly, the consensus was clear: the proposed high-density complex was incompatible with the character and charm of our beloved neighborhood. The sentiment echoed in every comment was unmistakable: we stand steadfast in our preference for single-family homes and the preservation of our current R-3 zoning. This gathering marked a powerful stand against the threat of unwanted change, showcasing the indomitable spirit of our community.

A Pivotal Gathering at Westminster Presbyterian Church: When the Community Speaks Loudly

Over 300 residents gathered at Westminster Presbyterian Church on August 6th, showcasing the power of a united community. The overwhelming sentiment? A resounding ‘no’ to Glenn Drew’s rezoning plans. Dive into the details of this pivotal meeting.

Based on the information provided in our exchanges, it appears the majority of the community and attendees at the meetings were against Glenn Drew’s rezoning proposal. However, specific details regarding any supporters of Glenn Drew’s proposal haven’t been mentioned. It’s common for rezoning and development issues to have both supporters and opponents. For a comprehensive understanding, one would need to gather information from diverse sources or conduct broader surveys within the community.

Hamilton Township Lakes: A History of Single-Family Homes

Historically rich and brimming with character, Hamilton Township Lakes stands as a testament to the charm of single-family homes. Rooted deep in tradition, each home tells a tale of generations that have resided within its walls, of children’s laughter echoing through the yards, and of families gathered around dinner tables sharing stories. The serene streets, the close-knit community vibe, and the sheer architectural beauty reflect a bygone era, emphasizing the importance of preserving this unique identity. In this exploration, we dive into the rich tapestry that forms the backbone of Hamilton Township Lakes, celebrating its history and cherishing the stories that make it the close-knit community it is today.

Un-Friendly Rezoning: More than 200 residents show up for Planning and Zoning Commission meeting

It was impossible to approach Drew either in the crowded chamber or the equally crowded lobby outside it, and he quickly exited the building without speaking to any reporters. YES! Weekly has reached out to him via phone and email, but at press time, he had not responded to a request for comment.

Glenn A Drew’s Questionable Business Ethics

September 2021 marked the initiation of CZS Development Company LLC, operating from Glenn Drew’s residence. On August 18, 2022, Drew acquired properties at 4000, 4004, and 4006 West Friendly Avenue from Leeor Sabbah, daughter of Maurice D Sabbah, former Chairman of the AHA School Board and implicated in several business fraud cases. The properties, interestingly, were bought with the sole intent of erecting a multi-tenant apartment complex. Notably, Maurice D Sabbah was Glenn Drew’s uncle. This intricate family connection, combined with Glenn Drew’s questionable business history, casts a heavy shadow on his trustworthiness. The prospect of such an individual profiting from a potential eyesore of an apartment complex on West Friendly Avenue poses a grave threat to our community’s shared values and aesthetics. It is a situation that demands our immediate and vigilant response.